Scott Adams, bucket-of-insanity carrier for trump,
just wrote in his blog at that the president’s recent random and ridiculous actions were
beneficial. I suggest that Mr. Adams is living in the bizarre world he created,
and though he should like to escape, he is quite happy to share that world with
his (fewer and fewer) dense fans.
Let's look at the orange-ass smoochfest that was
Adams’ blog on May 2:
Adams wrote that by holding out the possibility of meeting
with North Korea's Kim Jung-un, trump conjured the “asset” of a meeting with him as some type
of benefit for the Korean leader. I’ll quickly dispel that logic. If that is
what he was doing, instead of painfully forgetting that Jung-un was Dear Leader
before he, trump, was, then this asset is what adults call “appeasement.”
Any person who has ever dealt with their unruly and
demanding child, or a pestering associate, knows that if you give that irritating
child, person, or psychotic foreign leader something to shut them up, they won’t
suddenly be good. Poland. Hitler. 1939. Anyone?
They won’t change their behavior for the offered gift. Oh, they may
relent for a moment, but they will instantly understand that they will be
rewarded for being awful, and will continue the bad conduct. Maybe because Adams
never had children of his own, he has no sense of how to deal with these types
of master manipulators.
Next, trump's little surrogate says trump’s rhetoric about a
border wall with Mexico alone caused immigration from Mexico to shrink by 50%.
That's just made up.
Adams has admitted in the past that statistics are useless,
like when he says he presciently rejected them and predicted trump, in a two person race, in a divided country, would win a 50-50 election. Forgive my eye
Nobody ever believed trump would build a wall or get Mexico
to pay for it. I believe Mexican leaders said “Fuck you and your wall.” And in
any event, a wall does not stop people from going around, over, or under it to
get somewhere desirable.
The fact is the Mexican economy has been doing better for
years. With the influx of American and other foreign manufacturers, health care
and high tech industries, many Mexicans and others from South America were
finding the dangerous trip to the increasingly hostile U.S. unnecessary. Recall that Obama’s administration
deported millions of illegal immigrants before the orange one arrived. The No Vacancy sign had been in place long before
"Hate Meister t" was in the White’s Only House.
In addition, the trump sanctioned, violent and un-American
ICE raids on immigrant communities, the increase in race- and ethnicity-based
attacks, and the sheer hateful violence of a good portion of the trump-supporting population
have all made America a less than desirable destination.
Then there was the budget. No money for the wall there either. [t]rump’s abject and public failure to win over self-interested
Congressional representatives with far greater experience and power shows that trump
COULD NOT talk up an effective wall. He failed in word and in deed to persuade
anybody to support his PROMISED edifice to ignorance. Oh, he got some to buy into the
idea with their votes, but they were mere voters who would have bought anything
from the from the New York City barker, the one with the too-long tie and shiny hair.
Next, the cartoonist-pundit says trump did something positive to
the stock market. Oh please. The markets do what they will do without a
president. And all bets before the election were that a trump win would crush
the market. He didn’t do anything.
Oil is down hard today and so are bond prices. Why? Because
the real economy stinks, car sales are crashing after years of excesses, credit
is rolling over, growth is not coming anytime soon, and bond owners are
doubting that trump’s America will actually pay meaningful interest on its bonds.
But you can forgive the ink-addled Adams. After all, he has no training or experience in finance,
unless his bikini model girlfriend who claims to be an economist has been
tutoring him, if she’s still around. Oh wait, he says he took a hypnotism
course forty years ago, so there is that.
His blog goes on, not surprisingly, to spin up some more self-supporting
statements. A persuader has to lie in Adams' world. He says trump cancelled the TPP. Actually it had not yet taken
affect, so trump did nothing to affect TPP.
Then our poor sketcher says trump warned China that trade
negotiations would be aggressive and that this big threat scared the leaders of the
world’s just barely second largest economy. The one that owns 3 trillion in US
bonds, has more gold than anyone, and has a billion-plus people who can produce
almost anything at a fraction of the price the US can. In fact, after Chinese President
Xi left Mar-a-Lago, the resort trump owns and which he allows you, the
taxpayer, to support while he golfs EVERY WEEKEND, Xi publicly called trump a
simple baby who needs to show how tough he is. So there.
Finally, Adams talks about trump’s tax plans. Yes, the one
page memo that had more value as fuel for heat than as a plan. And that from the
same trump that may have tax issues of his own, but won’t show us, despite
promising he would. Adams suggests that trump’s corporate tax savings will lead
to more employment in the US. Little
Scotty’s inexperience and lack of depth is showing again. Study after study
shows that American companies don’t actually pay very much in taxes at all, and
that when they do pay less in taxes they typically reward shareholders and
executives with dividends and bonuses from the savings. They do NOT hire more
people. Anyone not trying to confirm their distorted reality can see the truth there.
[t]rump is not the savior of the US. We needed him like the American natives needed Columbus, which is to say, not one bit. Our president now is as dangerous to America as smallpox was to the natives when the first settlers arrived here. He is a virus, infectious and deadly.
[t]rump is not the savior of the US. We needed him like the American natives needed Columbus, which is to say, not one bit. Our president now is as dangerous to America as smallpox was to the natives when the first settlers arrived here. He is a virus, infectious and deadly.
And yes, trump was controlled by Russia, and is still working for them, knowingly or not, indictments are imminent; he is also incapable of regret, new learning, or keeping a train of thought, and he has proven himself to be a menace to women, workers, veterans, and you.
Because he is so horrifyingly bad, I predict he is out of office, in some manner, by January,
2019. I look forward to that time with great optimism. And if, like Adams recommends
in his book “How to Fail…”, I write this goal down fifteen times a day, it may very
well happen.
You may enjoy reading "The Dilbert Principle"
because it’s funny, and because it was written before Adams morphed into his
own fictional pointy-haired boss and fell in love with his delusion that trump is the greatest. But after that book, the author and his prose turn down-hill.
Oh, and as of today, May 4, 2017, trump and the GOP house
of representatives voted to take away the health insurance you’ve been relying upon. Now don’t get
fired. Don’t get sick. Don’t be a woman, pregnant, raped, or have a c-section; and
for God’s sake, don’t be a veteran, or gay anything.
Yeah. This is greatness.
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