Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A little kindness goes a long way.

Over dinner last night, my family was discussing ways to be better conversationalists. None in that group are wallflowers or conversation hogs, but there were areas of improvement for all of us.

Sometimes one of us goes too long on details when the conversational story should be maybe ten seconds.

Another has a penchant for topping their conversational partner's story, any story, instead of appreciating it for what it is: the other person's story.

I tend to be blunt, gruff and impatient. My entire family gustily agreed with that self-criticism. In my usual fashion I explained I was often that way because it seems everyone who talks to me, family included, wants something.

And in the best advice I have received all year, my daughter said: "Maybe if you were kinder many people would want to give to you."

Yes. Best advice all year. Thanks Carrie. I will be kinder. I can and I will.

Smile first and the good stuff will follow. I know. I know.

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