Monday, December 23, 2013

The Secret: Giving is for Winners

I am ready to positively conclude that the Law of Attraction, aka The Secret, works in my favor.

Some time over the past summer I got Brenda Byrne's book on CD.  The Secret is a strong proponent of the manifesting power of human thinking and the ability of human consciousness to reorder the universe.

That theme seemed consistent with the much older self improvement classic, Think and Grow Rich, by Napolean Hill, and I had been a believer in that book's message for years.

There is no risk in believing in one's power to tap in to the universal abundance and then acting to receive what is sought. No risk at all.

 One of the keys to receiving is giving freely without expectation of a return.  This time of year is filled with reminders that we have much to give and that others need so much.

Coincidence or not I have had three recent incidents of universal generosity.  A month ago I was urged to purchase tickets to attend a fundraising gala in early December. I did it.  My wife and I attended together.  The theme of the party was a night on a riverboat. The ticket to the dinner included some play money to gamble.  One could purchase more play money or raffle tickets.  The play money could also be exchanged for raffle tickets.

I tried to spend my play money by gambling it away. I bet big with my fake money but I won! My first bet cleaned out all the chips from the domino wheel.  The dealer had to leave to get more. I told him not to bother as it was for charity.  I then converted all that I had to raffle tickets and bought some more. Of the dozen and a half, there were several raffle baskets I liked, including a skydiving jump, golf lessons, a flat screen tv and even some small Christmas trees festooned with gift cards.  My wife and I spread our tickets around.

There were a couple hundred attendees and probably thousands of tickets between the prize baskets.
As the night wore down my wife and I left.  While waiting for our car to be brought around, the raffle tickets were being drawn.  I was talking with some folks and my wife asked "did they just call our name?"  Sure enough they did. Then another prize. Then our name again, and AGAIN.  three prizes, the skydiving, golf lessons and a gift card tree.  Destiny wants me sporting.

Shortly after that explosion of abundance I gave some more money to some schools and other charities at church.   Then a case settled and was paid, quickly and fully.

I gave some money to the Salvation Army and then found money on the floor at a department store.  Nobody was around who it may have dropped from.  So I picked it up, thanked the universe and bought a gift for my son.

Then I bought some coffee for a lady whose hands were full. Within a week or so, another case settled quickly, easily and fully.  I gave some money to the Salvation Army again.  And today, a settlement award for (ironically) a class action in which I was a class member arrived without warning.  It was substantial for a consumer protection case.  I called the plaintiffs' counsel, expressed my gratitude and, you guessed it, gave some more to the Salvation Army.

Like Mr. Hill and the Secret teach, I have been saying out loud how grateful I am for all of my blessings and admitting a readiness to accept more.  I have given regularly and freely and have been richly rewarded.  If even a reformed grinch like me can be loved and rewarded by the universe, then anyone can.  Give and be grateful.  It seems that simple. Thank you.

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