Thursday, February 25, 2010

Democrats giving in to fear.

Recently the Senate Judiciary Committee recommended changes to the woefully misnamed Patriot Act that would have reduced some of the unilateral and offensive power exercisable by the U.S. Government. In 2001, the terrified and confused congress granted sweeping powers to the military, intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Those powers are incongruous with the Constitution, but are forced on the people in the name of "security." This article describes what the mice in D.C. did with those recommendations for a return to privacy and courage.

What ever happened to FDR's "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"? Ladies and Gentlemen your representative's courage has left the building. Let us vote out the scared and timid and put in the fresh, idealistic and hopeful. We don't need seniority in Congress. We need leadership and courage

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