Look down at an ant. It is tiny. Even close up to your face it will be small. Its legs and antennae thinner than hairs. As small as it is, it is to an aphid as you are to it. Gargantuan. Monolithic. To a bacteria an aphid is a skyscraper. And so on.
You may be a 450 pound giant strongman. 6 foot 9 and dwarfing most humans on the planet. But from the top of a 15 story building, your bulk is invisible. Your relative size rendered meaningless. You would be like an ant.
To a toddler child, adults are giant gods. Even so, to any observer, from say 5 miles away, we are all but invisible; unseen even as we walk, drive, love, fight, vote, and otherwise go about living our lives.
All things are this way in this universe; both giant and tiny, all the time, overlapping each state, depending on the observer's perspective.
In this respect we are no different than stars, galaxies and planets. Why would we be? We're all made of the same stuff and in the same place. Gotta love the universe. Thanks Alan Watts.
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