Sunday, June 23, 2013

There are no rogues


The actions of the US Government against the interests of American citizens are unsupportable, unconstitutional and fly in the face of liberty and self governance.  Sadly, most Americans will not take the necessary action to remove the government by voting out every single representative and every single senator as soon as practicable (Sweep it clean in 2014).  In large part Americans think Congress is a vile snake pit, filled with corrupt thieves and ne'er do wells.  However, those same Americans think THEIR representative is not so tainted.  To the contrary, each congressman is an integral cell in the cancerous mass occupying the Capitol.   Each congressman acts as a part of the collective whole while guarding his self interest in reelection and the accumulation of wealth and power.  Each is part and parcel to taking taxpayer money, borrowing more, and then paying themselves lavishly while redirecting our money to their projects, whether  war, welfare or waste.  Each congressman is both a part, and a reflection, of the whole institution. 


American citizens, when adopting the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, did not agree to cede to the federal government, or any government, the right to invade their private conversations - digital or otherwise.  The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution put our objection in writing.  They did that because they were sick of the searches by the British government.  They had experience in oppression and wanted no truck with it.

True, citizens can and do provide personal information to corporations and businesses.  They usually do it VOLUNTARILY.   There is a supposed benefit to being known as a customer, or as a friend to an organization.  There is no benefit to being observed by a faceless, all powerful, government.  At any time, your calls, searches, purchases or interests may be subject to review by an entity that may classify you, in secret, and without appeal, as a terrorist or "enemy combatant."  Big Brother rules.

The people who work for federal agencies and for contractors to the federal government are not acting alone or without direction.  When they invade your privacy and track you, they are not being rogues.  They are doing exactly what the organization in its institutional group-think wants its members to do.  To suggest in a press conference that an actual Fourth Amendment violating collection of a free American's correspondence was the action of a "rogue employee" is a farce.  It is akin to calling a finger on one's hand a rogue when the owner of the hand is observed picking his nose with that finger. 

Take the JP Morgan trader who put 4 billion dollars at risk and lost.  The London Whale was called a rogue trader, acting without authorization.  Ridiculous.  He was a manifestation of the organization's highest desires.  He was bred and built by JP Morgan to do what he did.  Had he been successful, he would be hailed by the company for making it money, which is what that company does.  The Whale was harpooned merely because his public display of corporate interests went awry. 

When a TSA agent violates an invalid, a shapely woman, or a child, in the name of "security", that agent is not being a rogue, or a bad apple.  They are manifesting the interests of their overreaching and overzealous agency's interests and philosophy.  Agencies and corporations and governments act through their employees.  Like a person's thoughts are transmitted by their voices or actions, see Republican Rep. King accusing Latino immigrants of hauling drugs so is the government's revolting abuse of power displayed by the actions of government employees.  There are no rogues.


There may be little choice at this time but to revoke the consent of the people to be governed. It is the choice of a free people to accept or reject the actions of an elected government.  We can opt out of the poisonous web of seniority and nepotism and financial cronyism that we have, sadly, allowed.  It is possible with a clear and absolute rejection of the status quo.  How? It will take a concerted display of confident courage at election time.   No incumbent can be allowed to return to office.  Not your representative and not mine.  Every seat must be refreshed with clear thinking and unfettered citizens.  We can not get our country right by returning those who got us so far wrong.  We can not select career politicians to represent us.  They are unable to represent any interests but their own.  A career, by definition, is a selfish pursuit.  We must seek out and elect reluctant servants.  Individuals who have no interest but to return to the vision of a free and prosperous America.  We can not afford to return to office the takers of corporate or private donations, who are clearly bound and beholden like slaves to their deep pocketed patrons.

Plan now for the effort to undo what has been done.  Plan to vote for someone other than who currently occupies a taxpayer funded leather chair in Washington.  Your representative is included.  They must go.  Pursue a leader who does not seek your favor or pander to your self interest.  Find a representative without party support and support them. 

To be free from a foul government is our choice as Americans.  We must turn out the louts and their networks to be free again.   Plan for it and make it so.

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