Monday, February 22, 2010

Just stop the spending - for real

I wonder if any current congressman other than Ron Paul can really muster the cojones to acknowledge that the spending by the United States is utterly, completely and totally incomprehensible. A trillion dollar budget? A multi trillion dollar deficit? Those are imaginary numbers. We can't imagine how to generate that much money and pay it to anyone. It's like saying there are a trillion grains of sand on a beach, or a trillion stars in the sky. You could never count them all.

The challenge I have today for all elected officials in the U.S. congress is to promise to CUT SPENDING NOW. Not the "cut the rate of spending" or "cut the increase" but really cut it. Do what we all need to do at home. Spend less, really. If a government employee or two, or two hundred lose a job, then so be it.

I for one am tired of paying taxes to pay others to make more than I do or to pay for voter candy in a part of the country I've never even heard about. I scrimped and saved to go to college and law school. I work hard for my money and there is no guaranteed (taxpayer funded) pension to retire on. The average government employee earns nearly seventy thousand dollars a year. Congressmen are earning $150k plus per year, plus expenses. Do you get that kind of income? They get it no matter how bad they mess things up. A war of choice? No problem. An unfunded mandate to states? Hey maybe a raise.

To make matters worse, the job of a politician is to regulate your life while spending your money on his or her own pet project. This is what the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were supposed to ameliorate.

Congress and any government job should be seen as service to the country, not a career. Tax dollars should be rarely and painfully sought, and government spending should be a last resort for anything beyond infrastructure and real security. By security I do NOT mean functionally illiterate chair warmers looking at traveler IDs thirty feet before another similar waste of protoplasm does the same thing for fifty thousand dollars a year plus benefits.

This is my first blog and given the status of the country, it will not be my last.

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